Are you on a diet, and surprised because you're not losing weight? Maybe you've heard the expression, "plateau", meaning that your body is stuck where it is. Diet plans don't talk about what to do if you've plateaued and can't lose anymore weight. That's because you are fighting nature when you go on a diet. A plateau is your body's attempt to save you from starving.
It's paradoxical, and hard to believe that despite under- eating and hardly eating at all, that your weight won't budge. That's because we've all been brainwashed. We've been led to believe that you get overweight from over-eating.
Overweight people have a poor body image. You may have been teased, insulted, or put down when you were a child. Those memories get stuck in your subconscious mind, and make you feel like you are not good enough the way you are. That mindset tells your body that it's not "safe". It's a stressful mindset, and your body responds by protecting you, literally by making you "thick-skinned". Your subconscious mind is literal.
Stress has two major factors in weight gain
Chronic stress changes your biology, and re-prioritizes all functions in your body to favor fight or flight, the classic response to stress. You don't need to be digesting your food when escaping a predator, and all of your body functions that don't help you run away are slowed.
Your stress is probably not about escaping from being lunch, but dealing with
- economic problems
- work problems
- relationship difficulties
- being overly responsible
- being too busy
- having a disease, or frequent illness
- being a caregiver
- poor sleep
- or anything else that is bothering you.
Stress is supposed to be a fast occurrence that ends quickly. But in modern society it's a chronic problem. The evidence of stress is belly fat.
The other major effect of stress is that people use food for comfort
In fact, there's even a term for the food you eat when it from emotional eating: comfort food.
It comes from early conditioning that linked treats you received as a young child when you were "good". You were given a cookie. And later in life food becomes associated with acceptance and love. So you use food like a drug for unhappiness, not for hunger.
The fact is, dieting is a losing proposition if you are stressed. Your metabolism is slowed, and you are using food to comfort yourself. If you manage to lose some weight, it's just a matter of time for it to sneak back. That's your body doing its job!
How then, can you lose weight?
You need to transform your mindset, and break out of your subconscious beliefs that you are not safe. You also need to consciously eat food for hunger and nurturing yourself, so your body KNOWS that you are NOT starving! And that means eating MORE! But do it mindfully.
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Best selling author, and Coach-sultant, Lianda Ludwig, M.S. works with overwhelmed, stressed out, frustrated dieters who have lost weight and regained it time and again. Discover how to break the addiction to dieting and fighting your body and nature! Losing weight is not just about what you eat; it's about what's eating you.
Learn about the Mentabolism Mindset Transformation Program < > that creates a successful mindset to eliminate cravings, binging, starving yourself and vanquish the stress, so you can lose weight, and keep it off without naturally, without ever dieting again.
Get her free report: 5 Dirty Secrets the Diet Industry Doesn't Want You To Know at
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