Saturday, May 11, 2013

Let's Head Over to That Property of Yours - And 'start Digging.'

Author Peter Kelder's original book, though I 'take issue' with a few of his dietary recommendations, I consider a true classic. Which inspired, I'd be willing to bet, a HUGE number of, 'young-man-meets-wise-sage' tales. Dan Millman's possibly? Perhaps. Yet Kelder's is a GREAT combination of simple, useful material - exercises, or, 'rites,' as he refers to them - and good, philosophical, human insight.
Plus, he 'erred' on the side of short, simple, concise. Versus Mr. Millman's, more exhaustive approach; as in his, 'Way Of The Peaceful Warrior.' Good work, Mr. Kelder, I say, good work. Speaking of which, whenever I'm asked the question, 'How do I start getting into shape, if I am not yet strong enough to engage in body-weight exercise,' I refer to, 'The Ancient Secret Of The Fountain Of Youth' (Kelder). It's highly effective, when actually used by the reader; and an enjoyable read, as well. Plus, it gets one ready, very quickly, for a 'step up,' to more demanding fitness work.
In fact, let's say you consider yourself, COMPLETELY 'hopeless,' and out of shape; maybe, overweight by more than 'a pound or two,' or, 'past your prime.' Perhaps you consider yourself, in your own mind and estimation - though incorrectly as you shall see - a 'lost cause' of sorts. Fear not. Here's EXACTLY what to do, to begin reclaiming your health, fitness, and your ideal weight, fast:
Get Kelder's book, first. Begin practicing his recommended exercises, the 'five rites,' daily; diligently, without fail. These are simple, yes. And at the outset, they may seem deceptively 'easy' to do. Yet do not underestimate their power. Done for even 15 minutes a day they begin to build a good, solid, 'base' of strength, cardiovascular capacity, flexibility, even of self-image, VERY quickly - no matter your present condition.
Plus, the exercises require little more than a small investment of time. They demand no gym membership. They require no fitness 'gadgetry.' They demand no equipment of any sort, and no 'tool' save your own body; not even much in the way of space. Just a few square feet of carpet, grass, or concrete will do, just fine. Remain consistent with the Kelder exercises, for several consecutive weeks, and you'll begin building a momentum of good results. You can consider yourself, during this time, as the builder of a 'base,' or of a 'fitness foundation,' for a more permanent, more beautiful, structure to come.
While doing this, do your best to adhere to a high to 100% raw vegan diet. This is 'step two.' And it is VERY easy to do. Simply start each day with plenty of fresh, pure water, and a piece of fruit or two. Follow with a green smoothie or salad for lunch. Then consume a dinner of a large vegetable salad, with just ONE 'denser' plant-food. For example, eat a serving of organic beans, with the salad. Or have a baked potato. Or try my personal favorite, crushed squash with tomato, and raw okra.
This last, by the way, is an underestimated, satisfying, and delicious, 'gem' of good health; packed with vitamins, minerals, and each of the essential, eight amino acids NOT produced naturally by the body on its own. A great meal it is, indeed. Oh yes; the Burroughs 'Master Cleanser' drink (outlined in the booklet, 'The Master Cleanser'), is a great addition, as well. It is simply, pure water, squeezed lemon, a pinch of cayenne pepper, and a dash of organic maple syrup. It's rich with naturally occurring vitamins, minerals, and helps to keep you feeling satiated, between meals. If in need of a more 'solid' snack at some point, during your day? Enjoy raw almonds, or raisins.
This dietary regimen WILL keep you full, satisfied, and at the same time, loaded with what I consider, 'the good stuff.' That is: Dietary fiber, which helps keep bathroom trips regular, dependable; perhaps THE primary key to great, long-lasting health, as outlined by Professor Ehret, in his, 'The Mucus-less Diet Healing System.' The diet is also stocked, naturally, with every vitamin, mineral, and essential fatty-acid needed to sustain a healthy, active life. And, it supplies one with what many, myself included, consider to be the ideal 'caloro-nutrient' ratio to best 'fuel,' or 'run' the human body.
What is that ratio? It's just this: About 80% carbohydrates, or glucose, 10% dietary fat, and about 10% protein. This, incidentally, is the exact ratio, within a few percentage points in most cases, found in most fruits, and vegetables; as well as that recommended by many an athletic, super-healthy, doctor. Examples: Dr. Abramowski, author of the excellent, 'Fruitarian Diet and Physical Rejuvenation.' Cancer-survivor Dr. L. Day, author of 'Cancer Doesn't Scare Me Anymore.' And, among my personal favorites, triathlete Dr. Adam Dave, M.D., author of, in my opinion, the BEST of the 'raw vegan' texts available today, 'The Paradigm Diet.'
All of which are, I'd say, 'good examples of healthy living,' indeed.
Back to our primary subject: You, getting fit, healthy, no matter your present condition. So, first, read the Kelder book. Second, adhere to the sensible, satisfying, plant-based diet, above. Third, and finally? Walk, bike, or run, everywhere you go. And take stairs, not elevators. This step alone will 'skyrocket' your fitness level past so many others, who persist in taking the car, or other mechanized advances of ingenuity, to perform each and every daily errand. I speak from experience on this point. As, just before moving overseas (I now reside in Philippines), I decided to 'test' this thesis. By, my last 8 months in the U.S., in Las Vegas, Nv., operating without a motor vehicle; and, by using nothing save my own two feet, for transport; taking stairs, climbing hills wherever possible.
And what became of my level of fitness - which had already been excellent, due to years of daily 'minimalist running,' and calisthenics? It, took on 'new life.' And that 'new life,' exercised, activated muscle, tendon, and ligament, head to toe, in a whole new way; with commensurate, physical rewards. That's the end result, a good one, of working the body from a variety of standpoints, and angles. Plus, I saved a ton of money on gas, repairs, and general auto expenses; a good 'fringe benefit,' I'd say, to increased overall fitness.
So there you have it. A simple, manageable three-step plan, for building a good, solid base of fitness, no matter your present condition. Adhere to it for a few short weeks and you'll notice a DEFINITE, overall increase in energy. You'll begin to shed unwanted, and excess body-fat. Your muscles, head to toe, will become firm, and toned, where previously they may have been, weak, 'flabby.' This, because the Kelder exercises train all of the major muscle groups of the body, in a single session.
You'll begin climbing flights of stairs, WITHOUT becoming 'out of breath,' half-way up them. Your trips to the bathroom will become, due to our recommended fiber-rich, plant-based diet, more regular and consistent; which, again, may well be the 'master key' to lifelong inner health. As a body cannot grow to its full potential, nor maximize its energy, when 'weighed down' with unwanted toxins, in the digestive tract.
And perhaps most importantly, in addition to these physical benefits? There's this: When you put yourself on such a simple, yet rewarding plan, it sends a message to you, subconsciously, at the deepest level. A message that the 'game,' metaphorically speaking, is not over. That your best days from a vitality standpoint, perhaps as a high-school or collegiate athlete as I once was, are not behind you. That the energy and physical power of youth has not left you, forever. Which is, I'd go so far as to say, a demonstrable, 'proven fact.'
Why? Because this is the exact plan I, in my 'darkest hour,' physically speaking - middle-aged, out of shape, addicted to all manner of toxic foods, drugs and the like - adopted. And the EXACT one that has worked for me, and for thousands of others with whom I've had the opportunity to work, since then. Thus, I know truly, from experience, and from seeing it work in so many varied cases, worldwide: If we can do it, so can you. Also: The plan acts as a useful, manageable, 'springboard,' to more demanding and more rewarding, body-weight workouts, in the future; and to an even greater level of physical health.
Which brings me to the final 'message' the plan sends you, when you embrace it, with strong desire and a determined intention. Which is just this: That you're building a true, solid, 'foundation of fitness,' for a more permanent, more beautiful structure, to come. A structure which, by the way, has already been 'blue-printed,' and 'mapped,' by others EXACTLY like you; others, with your precise body-type, and of your age. Others who've been in your situation, and have worked their way, via these simple steps, to a more youthful, more powerful version of themselves. What was their key to success? Well, I'd say, they may simply have been willing - when they'd 'had enough' of the self staring back at them in mirror? - to begin the task of, 'digging the footings.' Digging the footings, that is, to a well-built, lasting structure of health, and fitness.
And that may well be the toughest step, when you think on it - the actual picking up of that first tool, that first 'shovel,' I mean. Once you've got that handled, I can tell you from experience it's 'downhill,' metaphorically speaking, from there; and more enjoyable, more rewarding, as you go. Thus: If someone you meet looks like a 'more chiseled version' of yourself? If they appear, physically anyway, as the type of 'structure' to which you might aspire? What's the difference, between you, and he? Likely, just his willingness, given the right knowledge, the right path or plan of course - which I'd contend I've laid out here - to 'pick up shovel,' and go to work. A small price to pay, in my estimation, for a well-built, lasting structure; and one that will serve you well, for life.
In fact, judging by his appearance, and the results he's garnered? He probably won't mind if you borrow that shovel, for a week or two. As long as you promise to put it to good use while you've got it. And then, of course, return it in the same condition in which it was borrowed. By which point you'll be WELL on your way to the well-thought-out, 'well mapped,' body of your dreams, anyway.
Then you can return it, the shovel, with confidence, I say - knowing you've made good use of it. Am I right? It 'doesn't hurt to ask,' I always say. Particularly in cases like this one, wherein the difference between success and failure may well 'boil down' to that all-important first step, taken - or not taken. Go ahead and ask. I'll wait here. Tick, tick, tick, tick. Alright. Have you got it? Well done. Now let's head over to that property of yours - and 'start digging.'
Jeff Sekerak
Jeff Sekerak is a former Alaskan Commercial Fisherman, and fast-food addict, turned 'Super-Fit Vegan.' He is the author of the book/DVD, The Super-Fit Vegan: Raw Plant Foods and Body-Weight Exercise for Natural Beauty, a Lean Athletic Body, and Life-Long health, From the Inside Out. Sign up for great, informative, useful blog updates on the 'super-fit vegan' lifestyle, at Plus, read Jeff's current blog posts at (he's got a TON of great, free info there right now!)
*Copyright 2012, Jeff Sekerak, all rights reserved. Consult your doctor before engaging in any diet or exercise program.

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