Thursday, May 23, 2013

5 Fresh Tips for Fast Weight Loss

Losing weight quickly can be both tough but definitely possible all the same. Instead of panicking because of the excess weight that you have put on, take control of the situation by handling it in a logical manner. There are numerous helpful tips that will assist you in losing weight fast and that is what this article is going to cover so read on.
There are literally limitless options available at your disposal when it comes to the available weight loss solutions on the market. The fast weight loss approach that you take must place safety and effectiveness issues first above all else. It's easy to go and jump on a bandwagon and try the newest weight loss silver bullet when dietary products are all marketed well. Ensure that you research any supplements or programs thoroughly in order to acquire insight which will enable you to not only lose the weight that you want but also live a healthier lifestyle.
Here are some great tips that you can implement in order to lose weight quickly and effectively.
Heed All Warnings - It's extremely important to maintain the discipline to stick to the plan and not try any drastic methods and lose weight too fast. When you are losing weight, the desire for faster results may tempt you to surpass the limits and try something stupid. Health experts advise that you shouldn't lose more than 2 pounds weekly. You can experience serious health problems if you ignore this warning.
Try Fasting - This is one of the fastest techniques for quick weight loss, but it does not mean that you do not eat anything and starve yourself. When fasting, make sure and drink plenty of water and eat fresh vegetables throughout the day. Although it is recommended that you lose 2 lbs per week, you can actually lose up to 5 pounds in 1 week when you fast consistently.
Supplement with Diet Pills - The market is currently flooded with numerous types of diet pills that can help you lose weight quicker than you normally would. Most of the supplements will mainly suppress hunger, boost metabolism rate and increase your energy levels. Some side effects that you may experience with the pills include: Insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, and headaches. Just be sure to do your research and choose a product that has a long list of positive reviews and is made by a reputable company.
Eat a Healthy Diet - Avoid eating all types of fatty and unhealthy high sugar foods. Instead, replace them with organic, fresh fruits and vegetables. It's also vital to drink plenty of water when you are dieting as this will help to cleanse your body's system through detoxification. In addition, it's best to eat less (but more frequently), eliminate snacks and foods that have high sugar content.
Exercise Regularly - Working out is one of the most effective ways of losing weight fast. Running, swimming and jogging are the best since they enhance your entire cardiovascular system. Purchase numerous work-out videos and enroll for classes in order to get the best out of this tip.
In order to succeed in weight loss, you must ensure that you are 100% focused on the task. Avoid all distractions and old habits. Every time that you lose weight, reward yourself by downloading your favorite music, going for a movie or just socializing and meeting new people.
Also be sure to take a full picture of yourself and place it somewhere you'll be seeing it frequently so that you can visualize your goals. This makes the execution part of it less tricky. In conclusion, it's possible for anyone to achieve fast weight loss provided they implement these tips in their endeavors. Have a long-term plan in place to help you maintain the new found lifestyle.
Do you want to know one of the best kept secrets for fast weight loss? Get the inside scoop on the best diet pills when you stop by today!

Can I Lose Weight Without Exercise?

Those who wonder if they can lose weight without exercise have one of two reasons for asking the question. Either they have a medical condition which stops them exercising or they just dislike exercise. Those with a medical condition are sadly stuck with the problem and have little choice. Disliking exercise is another matter, because not exercising makes losing weight more difficult.
There are good reasons for this. To lose a pound a week you will need to consume 500 calories a day less than you are eating to maintain your present weight. That is about the calories in a croissant and medium latte at Starbuck's. Give up your croissant and take a 20 minute brisk walk in the morning and another in the evening and you can still have your cup of coffee while losing 1 pound a week. Do not take the walks and you will have to give up your visit to Starbucks. So you must decide if you like your morning coffee more than you dislike walking. Of course if you decide losing just 1 pound a week is not enough you will have to eat less food and do more walking or eat a lot less food if you really do not want the bother of exercise. The time may arrive when giving up food becomes just too much effort and then overweight can become obese with all the health problems which result. So losing weight without exercise can be a struggle, but it is not impossible.
You will need to change your lifestyle. Clear the fridge of sugary food, snacks, fatty meat and pies, white bread, white rice and fizzy drinks. Replace them with fresh fruit and vegetables, granary bread, brown rice, free range chicken, lean beef from grass fed animals and oily fish such as mackerel and salmon. Drink skimmed or soy milk in your coffee and eat low fat cheese in preference to cheese with higher fat content such as cheddar. There are plenty of recipes available for you to make tasty meals from these ingredients. Those suggested for the Mediterranean diet are some of the best and worth looking into.
There are a few more things you can do to lose weight without exercise. Never skip breakfast, you will only get hungry later and want a snack or a visit to the coffee shop mid morning. Drink a glass of water before meals, this fills you up and makes you eat less. Use smaller plates and, if you are able, consider eating five small meals a day rather than three bigger ones. Do not eat in front of the TV or snack in a cinema - you will eat a lot more than you expect without noticing.
A good way of finding out how well you are doing is calorie counting. This can be boring and some think it not worth the bother, but you need not keep it up for very long. Start with a little online research. Find out the number of calories someone of your age and gender needs to eat each day. It will be something like 2500 calories for a man and 2000 calories for a woman. Then, before you start your new healthy diet, find out the number of calories in everything you are eating and write it down. Do this for a few days, totalling up the calories each day. You can easily find your present average calorie intake. Then change to your new diet and record calories for the same number of days and work out the average as before. Compare your new calorie intake with your old. If it is 500 calories less you will be losing weight. If it is about the same you need to eat less. Of course you can just change your diet, check your weight each week and see what happens. But knowing how much you have been eating will be good for motivation when you find you can live happily on less.
As I said at the beginning losing weight without exercise is possible - it is just harder. If you can exercise do so, you might find you enjoy it, if not these simple suggestions will work. The secret is to take it slowly and never, ever, give up.
Peter Stockwell is a writer, walker and author of the Senior Walking Fitness Blog. For more tips on weight loss, fitness, the Mediterranean diet and healthy living just visit

Saturday, May 18, 2013

How to Eat Healthy and Save Money

There are a LOT of excuses that I get for why people can't eat healthy. One of the number one excuses is that eating healthy is too expensive. I get it, a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, especially organic ones CAN be expensive. But, there are ways to eat healthy without breaking the bank. Here are my tips for how to eat healthy and save money, I hope they help!
1. Eat more meatless meals. Am I suggesting you go vegan? Hey, if you want to, go for it! I am saying that meat is EXPENSIVE... and since I only recommend buying organic meat (do some research... and you'll want only organic too) then it gets REALLY expensive... meatless meals are CHEAP and easy! Beans, rice and potatoes are ridiculously cheap. Last night I made stuffed potatoes... they were stuffed with a can of beans, a can of diced tomatoes, and a can of corn, plus spices and a little avocado. The most expensive thing there was the avocado, otherwise that was a ridiculously cheap, easy, and healthy meal for me and my hubby.
2. Buy frozen fruits and veggies. Yes, fresh greens are awesome and super good for you. They can also be expensive. I buy frozen fruits and veggies more often than fresh and they go a long way.
3. Buy store brand foods. You can get an entire box of whole grain pasta that will feed a whole family for less than $.70 at Walmart. Awesome!
4. Eat seasonally. Have you seen how expensive berries get in the winter?? It's nuts! Eat whatever is in season and you'll save!
5. Shop around. Some stores have cheaper fruits and veggies, others have cheaper canned goods. Know where to go to get the best savings.
6. Eat locally. Check out your local farmers market for sweet deals--usually foods that are about to go bad you can buy super cheap and freeze for later.
7. Don't buy EVERYTHING organic. Check out this list of the dirty dozen and buy those things organic if possible. Foods that need to be peeled typically don't need to be organic.
8. Grow your own fruits and veggies! Grow your own herbs! You just have to buy the seeds and you're all set!
9. Make more things from scratch. Don't buy pre-chopped fruits and veggies. Make your own hummus. Grate your own cheese. Yes, it takes longer, but anything that you buy where someone had to do work for you is going to be more expensive!
Rachel Ngom is a Lifestyle, Nutrition, Fitness Coach and Entrepreneur who utilizes her background in collegiate sports and nutrition to help her clients achieve success! It is her passion to help you know what it feels like to THRIVE from the inside out and to live the life of your dreams! Get started today with her FREE Flat Belly in 7 Days Eating Plan at

Friday, May 17, 2013

Weight Loss and Fat Burners: How To Lose Weight Quick

There are numerous ways how to lose weight quick. These are some simple suggestions anyone can do - if you are looking to lose 0 pounds or 50 pounds, these suggestions should be considered. More then not people who lose weight soon tend to put it back on after - you must be the one to break this nasty cycle and maintain a healthier looking body.
The hard work you put into losing weight fast in the proper manner, the more you will be rewarded. Losing weight for those who have difficulty to is one of the hardest things to accomplish. It can be done with the right motivation and know-how. If you suffer from weight gain regularly, then you must stop and do something about before you dig yourself a hole you can't climb out of. Getting the jump on how to lose weight quick the younger you are the better off you will be in the long run. Remain positive and stay focused on your goal and there is very little you can't accomplish.
If you eat more during the day actually your metabolism will increase which will enable your to burn fat quicker. Eating more doesn't make sense but it does - it depends WHAT you eat. When we age are metabolism decreases so we need to make the necessary adjustments.
Try avoiding carbs during the evening when learning how to lose weight quick. Carbs have a reputation of turning into fat and we become less active during the evening, therefore, eating cards during the evening or late at night wouldn't wise. When you eat carbs before bed time your body will shut down for the night and turn the crabs into fat. Simply, avoid cards as much as possible. If you can't and get the late night munchies eat something that is high in protein.
You try a light cardio session in the morning before work or school. Many of us have seen the Rocky movies, the main character Rocky Balboa drank eggs in the morning and ran afterwards in the morning. I'm not saying eat raw eggs in the morning but the running part is very important. There are many cardio videos you can find online or in video stores to get you out of bed and ready to work up a sweat. Keep in mind if you are doing cardio for the first time, start off with the light sessions for beginners when learning how to lose weight quick. Then, you can gradually work your way up to more advanced levels.
Visit for the fastest tips on how to lose weight fast! Features reviews of weight loss program, fat burner products and other general theme of weight loss and fat burner.

6 Unknown But Effective Tips To Lose Calories Fast

1) Sleep early and adequately: This may not be easy to achieve, as most of us lead busy lives in the modern world. However, you should still try to do so, as researchers at the University of Washington discovered a correlation between a higher body weight with less than 7 hours of sleep a day. Besides, the obesity gene will have lesser effect on your weight if you sleep more and this helps you in losing calories fast. Thus, forget your late night parties and try to sleep more!
2) Use blue to decorate your kitchen: A color of tranquility, you may find blue or green to be effective in suppressing your appetite, while yellow and red will have the opposite effect. Therefore, try to have more blue dishes, utensils or walls in your dining area to help you eat less.
3) Do not wear loose fitting clothes when eating: You need to be conscious of your current figure, so do not wear baggy clothes when having your meals, as this creates the illusion that you are slim. Essentially, wearing more fitting clothes will remind you to eat less.
4) Be more active on social media: Research shows that being active users of Facebook and other social media will help you to lose calories fast, due to the constant fear of being tagged in an embarrassing photo and letting everyone know about your days of being fat. This could seriously be a motivating factor in your weight loss journey!
5) Look at yourself in the mirror while eating: Interestingly, watching ourselves eat can encourage us to eat less. This has been proven by experiments at the Arizona State University, where researchers discovered that people who eat in front of a mirror consumed less food. Intuitively, you will be more conscious of your body and will not overeat, if you eat in front of a mirror.
6) Eat with male friends: Do choose male eating companions when dining out, as apparently, they will influence you to consume less. This is because we tend to be more conscious of our gender when there are members of the opposite sex, and women will instinctively eat less to be more ladylike. On the other hand, men will either be eating any excess portion from a woman's plate, or eat more to appear manly.
As mentioned, here are 6 unconventional but intriguing methods of helping you lose calories fast and do feel free to try some of them out. You will never know if one of them may actually work for you!
If you want to get more tips or helpful products that can help you to burn fat and lose calories fast, you can visit

The Importance If You Burn Off Excess Fat to Live a Healthier Lifestyle

Although many individuals worldwide continue to use different strategies to lose weight, majority of them fail to achieve a real fitness objective. One reason is that most of them eat unhealthy foods that is causing their body to store more fats and calories.
This is evident because we continue to see different food choices on the market that present extreme amount of preservatives. Meaning, if the body absorbs these types of foods, the consumed levels of carbohydrates and fats levels is not normal. Processed foods do not contain healthful substances that can provide the exact nourishment to the body. Remember that we need to eat the exact amount of protein, fats and carbohydrates to remain healthy. Likewise, it is important to choose the best exercise routine that can burn off excess fat correctly.
Exercise plays a huge role in burning off these unwanted fats and calories. If you work out regularly, this improves the functionality of your metabolism and digestive system. When your digestive system works effectively, you can easily dissolve the foods and absorb the nutrient faster. Again, do not spend money purchasing unhealthy or junk foods if you want to live a normal life. The market now offers many healthful choices that include organic protein supplements, lean animal meat, fresh fruits and veggies. Do not eat foods that contain extreme sugar, as your blood glucose level easily increases when you eat these types of foods.
Some people consider the benefit of consulting to a health expert or nutritionist to determine the exact food choices to eat. They do this strategy to consume the exact amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In addition, they want to learn the potential health risks if they consume too much of these substances. Like you, if you love to eat sausages, pizzas, different breads and drink sweet sodas, you must change your lifestyle once you hear the exact recommendation of a health expert or nutritionist.
When you intend to burn off excess fat, you must eat a healthy diet that includes the best whey protein supplement. Make sure that when you buy a protein shake, consider purchasing a low-fat protein supplement with complete nutrients. You also need to determine the active ingredients and do not invest your money if the product contains harmful substances or additives. This is crucial to ensure proper brain and immune system functionality.
Although we consider fats as unhealthy components that can harm the overall health of the body, health experts believe that we still need good amount of fats to stay fit. It is important that the body consume essential fats and burn them during exercises. To mention a few of the available products that contain essential fats include: legumes, olive oils and canola oil. The body will not have trouble absorbing the fats coming from these products because they are digestible and safe.
Remember that a successful weight loss objective means you have to burn off excess fat properly. In addition, eat a healthy diet as well as exercise daily to remain in great condition.
If you want effective methods to help you burn off excess fat, you must be willing to exercise and consume healthy protein supplements. Today, among the best whey protein is available through visiting

How to Eat Healthy and Save Money

There are a LOT of excuses that I get for why people can't eat healthy. One of the number one excuses is that eating healthy is too expensive. I get it, a lot of fresh fruits and veggies, especially organic ones CAN be expensive. But, there are ways to eat healthy without breaking the bank. Here are my tips for how to eat healthy and save money, I hope they help!
1. Eat more meatless meals. Am I suggesting you go vegan? Hey, if you want to, go for it! I am saying that meat is EXPENSIVE... and since I only recommend buying organic meat (do some research... and you'll want only organic too) then it gets REALLY expensive... meatless meals are CHEAP and easy! Beans, rice and potatoes are ridiculously cheap. Last night I made stuffed potatoes... they were stuffed with a can of beans, a can of diced tomatoes, and a can of corn, plus spices and a little avocado. The most expensive thing there was the avocado, otherwise that was a ridiculously cheap, easy, and healthy meal for me and my hubby.
2. Buy frozen fruits and veggies. Yes, fresh greens are awesome and super good for you. They can also be expensive. I buy frozen fruits and veggies more often than fresh and they go a long way.
3. Buy store brand foods. You can get an entire box of whole grain pasta that will feed a whole family for less than $.70 at Walmart. Awesome!
4. Eat seasonally. Have you seen how expensive berries get in the winter?? It's nuts! Eat whatever is in season and you'll save!
5. Shop around. Some stores have cheaper fruits and veggies, others have cheaper canned goods. Know where to go to get the best savings.
6. Eat locally. Check out your local farmers market for sweet deals--usually foods that are about to go bad you can buy super cheap and freeze for later.
7. Don't buy EVERYTHING organic. Check out this list of the dirty dozen and buy those things organic if possible. Foods that need to be peeled typically don't need to be organic.
8. Grow your own fruits and veggies! Grow your own herbs! You just have to buy the seeds and you're all set!
9. Make more things from scratch. Don't buy pre-chopped fruits and veggies. Make your own hummus. Grate your own cheese. Yes, it takes longer, but anything that you buy where someone had to do work for you is going to be more expensive!
Rachel Ngom is a Lifestyle, Nutrition, Fitness Coach and Entrepreneur who utilizes her background in collegiate sports and nutrition to help her clients achieve success! It is her passion to help you know what it feels like to THRIVE from the inside out and to live the life of your dreams! Get started today with her FREE Flat Belly in 7 Days Eating Plan at

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Acai Berry Magic, Antioxidant Rich Super Fruits From the Amazon Forest

With rapid technological developments in the world today, a number of people living in affluent places and town the world over have increasingly become enslaved to the fast food recipes that pay very little or no particular attention to your body's nutritional needs. As a result, many people are becoming obese besides developing other dietary related complications which could as well be life threatening.
As much as we may want to blame the modern family for adopting unhealthy dietary habits, it is also important to note that the locations and lifestyles at times pose the greatest challenge for most families since they hardly get the time to go looking for the special foods that could help revitalize their lives.
Some good news however comes from the fact that some level headed companies who have dedicated a good portion of their lives in the research on which foods have better nutritive as well as medicinal values have come up with antioxidant rich fruit juices that are carefully extracted and packaged conveniently to give you the chance to access it regardless of your location I the world.
For those who may have had the chance to test the acai berry fruits which happens to be a native fruit of the Amazon forest in Brazil, you can attest to the wonderful magic that this fruit can excite in your body. Perhaps for the benefit of those of you who may not have had the opportunity to tryout this wonder fruit, we will try to list its properties bellow in order to give you a clear picture as to why you should not miss this golden opportunity to revitalize your failing health.
Unlike a number of fruit juice companies in the market that simply offer MLM or pasteurized juice to clients amid claims of the unique features of their products, acai berry juice is often made by freeze drying; a method that retains all the acai berry's high ant oxidizing agents making it a true miracle worker particularly when it comes to the reduction of weight and super fast fat and detoxifying capabilities that have not been experienced in the market before.
In testimony to the wonders of acai berry pills or juice, a good number of high-profile celebrities in Hollywood and other places are rapidly turning to the acai berry products in their weight and fat loss endeavors due to its super fast results in those respects.
Besides the acai berry's high oxidizing properties, the acai berry pills are strategically packed with additions of maqui berry which features outstanding digestion enhancing properties. It is no wonder the combination produces a product that is very rich in antioxidants and tremendously promotes cardiovascular as well as digestive health. There can be no better way of improving one's health.
Other Acai Unique Features
Weight loss is becoming a new obsession as more people acknowledge the risks of obesity and lack of exercise; it has however become quite evident that the earlier people in the past did not have as many health related problems as we do today. A closer look at the changes in lifestyle has revealed that many modern men do not take as much fruits and fresh vegetable as the old guys did.
Having carefully studied the trends and patterns, many people have come to note that fruits and natural vegetables do not only posses antioxidants and disease prevention properties but also possesses unique features that can influence very rapid weight loss. The acai berry products in combination with maqui has the capability of reducing weight nearly four times as fast as regular exercise can do.
Even though regular exercises can help in losing weight, it is important to understand that not everyone can provide time for the visits to the gym on a regular basis. It is the inability to stick to a training regime that makes many people to fail in their quest to lose weight through exercises. It is also good to note that others exercise while still engaging in poor eating habits thus making a mockery of the entire process.

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

5 Most Effective Weight Loss Tips for You

Excess body weight is one of the biggest health issues in today's world. If you are also among those people who are combating their body weight but are finding it tough to shed off those additional pounds, this article is exclusively for you. Find below 5 most effective weight loss tips:
Stay Away from Fad Diet Plans
Going on a fad diet can never be the solution for your weight problems. Rather, it can harm your entire metabolic system badly. The reason behind it is very little or no knowledge about nutrition. It is always advisable that you consult with a professional nutritionist first. He or she would assess your nutritional requirements and provide you with the best diet chart to accelerate your effort of losing weight. If you follow that diet plan religiously, it would be much easier for you to reach your goals and maintain them.
Modify your Eating Habits
All of us have some not-so-good food habits. What about turning them into good ones? Changing your eating habits can be a great plus for you. Start with limiting your calorie intake. Calorie is one of the biggest reasons behind gaining excessive weight. So, if you can cut out sugary drinks, sodas, and other high-calorie foods from your diet, you would be able to go back to your previous weight faster. Drinking plenty of water would also keep your metabolism up which would eventually help you shed off extra pounds effectively.
Do Not Skip Breakfast
Yes, it is another important thing that you need to keep in mind for elevating the effectiveness of your weight loss programs. Breakfast is one of the most vital meals of the day. After a night-long fast, the basal metabolic rate of your body reaches its lowest point. If you kick-start your day with a good breakfast containing a perfect combination of carbohydrate and protein, your body would get refuelled. As a result, no excess calorie will be stored as fat for future source of energy. It means, you will easily go one step further in your way.
Indulge in Smaller Meals
There is a misconception among people that eating 2 or 3 large meals a day is good for getting rid of extra weight. However, the truth is that you need to eat smaller meals but frequently, say 4 to 6 times a day. You can divide your entire diet into smaller parts, such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks (mid-morning and afternoon) etc. It would boost your body metabolism to a great extent so that you can burn out more calories and maintain a healthy weight.
Keep the Stress Level Down
If you really want to stay away from additional weight gain, you have to control as well as reduce your stress. Usually, the increased level of mental stress promotes the secretion of 'cortisol' in our body. Being a steroid hormone by nature, cortisol prevents the development of lean muscle mass. It also encourages the storage of body fat. Therefore, you should always try to stay relaxed and stress-free for maintaining a standard body weight.
Follow these weight loss tips and you would certainly get good results within a few months.
Michael Hayden is a fitness expert. He also has a passion for writing and loves to write on health and fitness. In this article, he has provided 5 most effective weight loss tips

Five Tips to Burn Fat Quickly

The weight gain is one of the most common problems that are related with our everyday life. However, there are a lot of solutions that you can use to overcome that problem and the only thing that you will have to do is to search for some of the best tips that are available
1) Eating right is one thing, but it won't do the job alone.
You need to exercise, and one of the most important aspects of exercise is resistance training. This means hitting the gym or grabbing some weights for a good workout at home, because you should be doing this three times a week, with a day of rest in between each workout. Try to build up to 60 minute sessions and before long you'll notice a huge difference in the amount of energy you have and how much weight you're shedding.
2) Remove sugar from your diet
Any one of the diets to lose weight will stipulate that you do this. It is also one of the best fat burning tips to keep in mind. During this initial period make sure you check the ingredient labels of any food you buy and eliminate those that contain the following words as they all mean "sugar": sugar, HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), fructose, sucrose, maltose, corn sweetener, corn syrup or corn syrup solids, dextrin, dextrose, fruit juice concentrate, molasses, fruit juice concentrate, rice syrup, raisin syrup, maple syrup and anything else that sounds like sugar.
3) Reducing your calorie and salt intake is a good way to fat burning
Sodium levels in your body help to retain water and contribute to body fat. Thus, sodium in your body directly contributes to weight gain. Therefore, by reducing your salt intake you can keep the sodium levels in your body under control. Another source of sodium is various types of seasoning that we consume. These need to be kept under check as they add on to sodium without you realizing it.
4) Take a lot of vegetable and fruits
Assuming you take just 2 servings daily, increase it to 4 serving daily before the finish of the week. If you notice you are looking good by taking 5 servings daily try to increase it. Let's say on the 2nd or 3rd week try to make it 10 portions daily. Go for vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, make it organic. Also an efficient and quick fat burning tips.
Consume 1 ounce of almonds or walnuts daily, let's say 0.5 ounce in the morning and the next one during the afternoon.
Majority of nuts are heated in oils, meaning they are trans fat. I recommend you cling to dry roasted nuts or take them raw. Never border, it won't cause you to gain fat, rather it will make you satisfied and burn fat.
5) Effective fat burning exercises
...consist of jogging, running, walking, workouts, swimming and cycling that affects major muscle groups in the body. Cardiovascular exercise is the best type of exercise to engage with if you want to lose weight in a short time. As discussed, eating healthy diet can help reduce body fat. But combining it with fat burning exercise, will definitely provide you the superb body you've been longing for.
I hope those tips can help you good luck.

Tired of Riding the Health Rollercoaster?

Many people want to look and feel good but don't want to put in the time, energy and effort to do so the healthy way. No one wants to hear the secret to getting in shape and staying fit requires hard work and commitment as well as a balanced diet, exercise regimen and nutritional supplementation.
People would rather hear they can sprinkle something on their foods, pop a pill or do the latest Hollywood cleanse and get their desired results. Trendy diets today are like music's "one hit wonders" and in a world of instant gratification, people are more interested in the "one fix wonders" but those too go out of style rather quickly. That is until the next trendy health fad begins to spread like wildfire through the celebrity world filled with over the top endorsement deals.
The weight loss industry is a $60 billion dollar sector filled with millions of dieters. Have you become a statistic or a victim of the scale? True results are a matter of lifestyle choices, not a diet. There are no shortcuts and no end date. How many times have you dropped 5-10 pounds for a wedding, holiday or vacation just to put it back on and 5 pounds more, maybe even 10 pounds more?
As long as you keep riding the health rollercoaster, you will keep getting the same results. What is the definition of insanity again? According to Albert Einstein, insanity is "doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Isn't it bad when people can name more fad diets than Presidents of the United States? People can name every Kardashian and Bachelor finalist but have no idea what an enzyme is even though they are naturally produced in your own body. Many don't realize how good they can feel if only they took care of their health! When things sound too good to be true, they usually are which means, be smart and inquisitive. When something promises huge weight loss results in a short period of time without changing any aspects of your life, a big red flag should go up. Run!
Another thing to keep in mind are celebrity spokespeople whether it be a model, actor, doctor or highly paid average Joe hoping to connect to the everyday people with a plain Jane look. Big money is spent putting well-known faces and bodies on today's latest weight loss trends but do you ever ask yourself if these people have really gotten results from the products or they are just saying what they were paid to say? What people do not always realize is the limelight is not as glamorous as you think. Some of the world's most popular celebrities and fitness models are actually the least healthy people who are also on the health rollercoaster to fit a perception or unattainable image.
If being in shape was easy, everyone would be fit. Instead, we live in a world where obesity is an epidemic and the pressure to be thin is constantly publicized in newspapers, radio, magazines, Internet, TV and social media. Although the Internet and media outlets put information readily at the hands of people, it has turned into information overload. While one website talks about the benefits of adding a particular vitamin to your daily regimen, another website is saying that same vitamin is now shown to cause disease. In a multi-billion dollar industry, we have more celebrity doctors than ever before and many believe in the "latest and greatest" products because a doctor said so. Do you know what you are taking or the effects long-term use can have on your liver and kidneys? Do you even ask?
Two years ago I started Innerzyme, a nutraceutical company specializing in natural enzyme based health supplements. I am a huge fan of digestive and systemic enzymes; I take them daily and wouldn't ever be without them. I also workout 6 days a week and eat clean. When what you do is what you love, it is not a matter of making time; it is just something you do, a lifestyle. For me, working out is part of my everyday, just like taking a shower or brushing your teeth. I do not push enzymes on anyone even though I understand the health benefits and know how many people could benefit from them. I believe in the importance of educating people and allowing them the ability to ask questions and conduct their own research as well.
About a year ago, I approached two health retail giants about introducing Innerzyme into their retail stores. Neither one asked what type of supplement Innerzyme is nor what ingredients are in the product. One asked if I had any celebrity endorsing the product and the other said call back when you can get the product on Dr. Oz. So, what does it take to get a your supplement on Dr. Oz? I decided to write him an email to find out. The response came back quickly from an Ad Director saying, "The types of partnerships we are talking about could run upwards of a couple million dollars." I guess that was the end of that discussion. However, I am not discouraged, I am motivated to keep educating people one day at a time because I believe in Innerzyme, have a vision and am passionate about creating awareness about healthy living.
When you make something a lifestyle, it becomes a habit, not a chore. It is not always easy but nothing worth doing ever is. As a health and fitness professional with a passion for helping others move their lives in a healthy direction, I am working to educate people on getting off the rollercoaster by changing the mindset from diet to lifestyle.
Only you can make the decision to improve the quality of your life by improving your health. Hold yourself accountable, make small realistic goals and don't give up, no excuses!
Move your life in a healthy direction, see how Innerzyme can help! For more information, visit

Fasting and a Better Weight Loss Program

Fasting is not new. In fact, Indian, Asian, and Middle-Eastern mystics have used fasting as a means to connect with higher levels of consciousness for millennia. There is just something about going without food or drink that strips the soul bare and enables the powerful intellect of man to rid itself of most of the distractions that get in the way of realizing eternal truths. This all sounds pretty heavy and heady and it is. However, for practical purposes, fasting actually leads to a better weight loss program We are not proposing fasting as the main way of losing weight. That would be irresponsible, if not outright dangerous. Instead, we are proposing that used in conjunction with a sensible diet and weight loss regimen, fasting can help boost the effect of your weight-loss program. Moreover, fasting can help dieters clear mental hurdles that get in the way of them fully committing to their weight loss regimen. Indeed, in the battle between mind and body, fasting is a great technique that bridges the body and mind to help the mind take full control.
Mind over body
There is no better way to tell your body that you are its boss than through controlled and regulated fasting. Why do you need to tell your body that you are its master? Well, for the most part, the main reason you are reading this article is because you have a tough time keeping your weight in check. In other words, you have a tough time controlling your body. Appetite is a function of the body. Hunger is, in large part, a signal from your body. When you fast, you make a commitment to keep your body in check. It is a brute force method, but it is effective. Fasting communicates to the body that regardless of whatever signals the body sends to the brain regarding hunger, your mind is still in control. By refusing to give in to the body's signals, your mind actually acts to re-balance your body. This is one of the cornerstone benefits of fasting. Let's face it, many of us have out of control appetites. If we see something that looks yummy, we have to take a bite. When a certain time of the day comes, we need to eat, regardless of what we are doing. If you live like this for quite an extended period of time, you slowly realize that your stomach is controlling you. The more you let your stomach win out, the less power you have over your impulses.
Responsible fasting
If you have decided to go on a fast to effect a better weight loss system, you have to be responsible about it. This means you must not put your health in jeopardy. Consult with your doctor first. Prepare lots of juices and nutritious fluids. Don't jump into your fast whole hog. Ease into it. Make adjustments. Remember, real weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Fast nice and easy. Don't rush into it and always feel free to end your fast the moment it becomes uncomfortable.
Emily Shelley has had more than 15 years working as a nutrition professor and is owner of The Diet Connection. Her deep understanding of nutrition will address your unique challenges and concerns. She believes people can learn to nurture themselves with healthy foods and make healthy choices often. This is her article about a better weight loss. Be sure to check out her other weight loss articles.

3 Home Exercises for Losing Weight Fast!

Losing weight fast is not particularly easy especially when it's solely down to you alone, but there's no reason why you can't muster up that will power and perform one, if not all of the following home exercises to help you shed those fat stores faster than just your diet and/or supplement are helping.
1. Walking
OK, walking might not sound like a particularly strenuous exercise that'll burn off those calories quick, but don't underestimate how a daily brisk walk accompanied with the right diet can work its wonders.
Ideally you should try and find time for a morning and evenings fast walk, completing about 2 hours walking a day.
Make sure to weigh yourself from the very beginning of any exercise diet program as just watching that gradual decline in weight can do wonders for the human spirit.
2. Aerobics
Aerobics is a great home exercise as you can get more inspired by a DVD or a TV workout show, doing a good hours aerobics in the comfort of your own living room or bedroom.
Yoga is an aerobic sport and is also fantastic at increasing flexibility, strengthening your joints and losing weight.
Be sure to stick to your diet plan, and you will reap your rewards.
If however you notice after a while that your decline in weight is slowing down, this is not a bad thing.
One it means you are toning up and two, by building up a more toned firmer body, this makes putting on weight that much harder.
3. Dancing
Don't be afraid to dance with your partner or by yourself, where again you can follow a dance routine on the TV.
Here are a couple of dance routines that you can work on at home:
Choreographed moves:
OK so choreographed moves are probably best learnt at a dance school but there's no reason you can't practice at home also.
From jazz to hip hop to ballet, a one hours dance class will not just help you shed at least 300 calories plus, but you'll tighten up all the major muscle groups, and tone those abs without having to arduously workout down the gym.
The Do-It-Yourself Dance:
So this is where you create your own moves.
After you've been to a few classes you'll find yourself developing your own style.
Feel free to run with it by jumping, twisting, turning and rolling to your favorite tunes, where the heart will start pounding and the calories will literally drip off you.
Additionally, consider using some of the latest weight loss supplements to really help you lose weight faster Visit: Best Weightloss Supplements to view the Top 7 Weight Loss Pills for 2013.

Monday, May 13, 2013

5 Most Effective Weight Loss Tips for You

Excess body weight is one of the biggest health issues in today's world. If you are also among those people who are combating their body weight but are finding it tough to shed off those additional pounds, this article is exclusively for you. Find below 5 most effective weight loss tips:
Stay Away from Fad Diet Plans
Going on a fad diet can never be the solution for your weight problems. Rather, it can harm your entire metabolic system badly. The reason behind it is very little or no knowledge about nutrition. It is always advisable that you consult with a professional nutritionist first. He or she would assess your nutritional requirements and provide you with the best diet chart to accelerate your effort of losing weight. If you follow that diet plan religiously, it would be much easier for you to reach your goals and maintain them.
Modify your Eating Habits
All of us have some not-so-good food habits. What about turning them into good ones? Changing your eating habits can be a great plus for you. Start with limiting your calorie intake. Calorie is one of the biggest reasons behind gaining excessive weight. So, if you can cut out sugary drinks, sodas, and other high-calorie foods from your diet, you would be able to go back to your previous weight faster. Drinking plenty of water would also keep your metabolism up which would eventually help you shed off extra pounds effectively.
Do Not Skip Breakfast
Yes, it is another important thing that you need to keep in mind for elevating the effectiveness of your weight loss programs. Breakfast is one of the most vital meals of the day. After a night-long fast, the basal metabolic rate of your body reaches its lowest point. If you kick-start your day with a good breakfast containing a perfect combination of carbohydrate and protein, your body would get refuelled. As a result, no excess calorie will be stored as fat for future source of energy. It means, you will easily go one step further in your way.
Indulge in Smaller Meals
There is a misconception among people that eating 2 or 3 large meals a day is good for getting rid of extra weight. However, the truth is that you need to eat smaller meals but frequently, say 4 to 6 times a day. You can divide your entire diet into smaller parts, such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks (mid-morning and afternoon) etc. It would boost your body metabolism to a great extent so that you can burn out more calories and maintain a healthy weight.
Keep the Stress Level Down
If you really want to stay away from additional weight gain, you have to control as well as reduce your stress. Usually, the increased level of mental stress promotes the secretion of 'cortisol' in our body. Being a steroid hormone by nature, cortisol prevents the development of lean muscle mass. It also encourages the storage of body fat. Therefore, you should always try to stay relaxed and stress-free for maintaining a standard body weight.
Follow these weight loss tips and you would certainly get good results within a few months.
Michael Hayden is a fitness expert. He also has a passion for writing and loves to write on health and fitness. In this article, he has provided 5 most effective weight loss tips

Five Tips to Burn Fat Quickly

The weight gain is one of the most common problems that are related with our everyday life. However, there are a lot of solutions that you can use to overcome that problem and the only thing that you will have to do is to search for some of the best tips that are available
1) Eating right is one thing, but it won't do the job alone.
You need to exercise, and one of the most important aspects of exercise is resistance training. This means hitting the gym or grabbing some weights for a good workout at home, because you should be doing this three times a week, with a day of rest in between each workout. Try to build up to 60 minute sessions and before long you'll notice a huge difference in the amount of energy you have and how much weight you're shedding.
2) Remove sugar from your diet
Any one of the diets to lose weight will stipulate that you do this. It is also one of the best fat burning tips to keep in mind. During this initial period make sure you check the ingredient labels of any food you buy and eliminate those that contain the following words as they all mean "sugar": sugar, HFCS (high fructose corn syrup), fructose, sucrose, maltose, corn sweetener, corn syrup or corn syrup solids, dextrin, dextrose, fruit juice concentrate, molasses, fruit juice concentrate, rice syrup, raisin syrup, maple syrup and anything else that sounds like sugar.
3) Reducing your calorie and salt intake is a good way to fat burning
Sodium levels in your body help to retain water and contribute to body fat. Thus, sodium in your body directly contributes to weight gain. Therefore, by reducing your salt intake you can keep the sodium levels in your body under control. Another source of sodium is various types of seasoning that we consume. These need to be kept under check as they add on to sodium without you realizing it.
4) Take a lot of vegetable and fruits
Assuming you take just 2 servings daily, increase it to 4 serving daily before the finish of the week. If you notice you are looking good by taking 5 servings daily try to increase it. Let's say on the 2nd or 3rd week try to make it 10 portions daily. Go for vegetables and fruits rich in fiber, make it organic. Also an efficient and quick fat burning tips.
Consume 1 ounce of almonds or walnuts daily, let's say 0.5 ounce in the morning and the next one during the afternoon.
Majority of nuts are heated in oils, meaning they are trans fat. I recommend you cling to dry roasted nuts or take them raw. Never border, it won't cause you to gain fat, rather it will make you satisfied and burn fat.
5) Effective fat burning exercises
...consist of jogging, running, walking, workouts, swimming and cycling that affects major muscle groups in the body. Cardiovascular exercise is the best type of exercise to engage with if you want to lose weight in a short time. As discussed, eating healthy diet can help reduce body fat. But combining it with fat burning exercise, will definitely provide you the superb body you've been longing for.
I hope those tips can help you good luck.

Fasting and a Better Weight Loss Program

Fasting is not new. In fact, Indian, Asian, and Middle-Eastern mystics have used fasting as a means to connect with higher levels of consciousness for millennia. There is just something about going without food or drink that strips the soul bare and enables the powerful intellect of man to rid itself of most of the distractions that get in the way of realizing eternal truths. This all sounds pretty heavy and heady and it is. However, for practical purposes, fasting actually leads to a better weight loss program We are not proposing fasting as the main way of losing weight. That would be irresponsible, if not outright dangerous. Instead, we are proposing that used in conjunction with a sensible diet and weight loss regimen, fasting can help boost the effect of your weight-loss program. Moreover, fasting can help dieters clear mental hurdles that get in the way of them fully committing to their weight loss regimen. Indeed, in the battle between mind and body, fasting is a great technique that bridges the body and mind to help the mind take full control.
Mind over body
There is no better way to tell your body that you are its boss than through controlled and regulated fasting. Why do you need to tell your body that you are its master? Well, for the most part, the main reason you are reading this article is because you have a tough time keeping your weight in check. In other words, you have a tough time controlling your body. Appetite is a function of the body. Hunger is, in large part, a signal from your body. When you fast, you make a commitment to keep your body in check. It is a brute force method, but it is effective. Fasting communicates to the body that regardless of whatever signals the body sends to the brain regarding hunger, your mind is still in control. By refusing to give in to the body's signals, your mind actually acts to re-balance your body. This is one of the cornerstone benefits of fasting. Let's face it, many of us have out of control appetites. If we see something that looks yummy, we have to take a bite. When a certain time of the day comes, we need to eat, regardless of what we are doing. If you live like this for quite an extended period of time, you slowly realize that your stomach is controlling you. The more you let your stomach win out, the less power you have over your impulses.
Responsible fasting
If you have decided to go on a fast to effect a better weight loss system, you have to be responsible about it. This means you must not put your health in jeopardy. Consult with your doctor first. Prepare lots of juices and nutritious fluids. Don't jump into your fast whole hog. Ease into it. Make adjustments. Remember, real weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. Fast nice and easy. Don't rush into it and always feel free to end your fast the moment it becomes uncomfortable.
Emily Shelley has had more than 15 years working as a nutrition professor and is owner of The Diet Connection. Her deep understanding of nutrition will address your unique challenges and concerns. She believes people can learn to nurture themselves with healthy foods and make healthy choices often. This is her article about a better weight loss. Be sure to check out her other weight loss articles.

Fat or Carb Blockers or Binders - What Do I Need?

If you're considering using a fat loss supplements such as a fat or carb blocker or binder, but aren't sure of what kind to use, you first need to check your diet and ask yourself this:
Am I consuming too many carbohydrates or too many fats?
This is extremely important as some people tend to jump on the band wagon of the latest weight loss supplement to hit the stores, only to find out they haven't addressed their diet clearly enough.
We put on weight because we simply eat more calories than we can burn each day - that's the simple fact of the matter.
Now, if you're consuming a lot of unhealthy fats, these in short include:
Unhealthy Fats
  • Commercially baked pastries, cakes, pizza's
  • Fried foods
  • Butter, cheese, ice cream, lard
  • Candy, crisps, chips
  • Whole fat dietary products
  • High fat cuts of meat
  • Microwaved foods
These are both trans fats and saturated fats, but in essence both are unhealthy fats.
Therefore, if it's these types of food you are consuming each day, then when choosing a fat loss supplement, you should opt for a fat blocker or a fat binder.
There are some products which combine both the binding and blocking of fats, however each can be individually effective on their own.
Unhealthy Carbs
  • Processed foods, cakes, chips, biscuits
  • Enriched pasta
  • Sweetened fizzy drinks
  • White sugar
  • Refined white rice
  • White bread
These are unhealthy carbs if consumed regularly without any exercise and as you can see, cakes, cookies and chips contain unhealthy carbs and fats so best avoided altogether if you're serious about your diet.
So when it comes to addressing diets that consume high levels of unhealthy fats or carbs, both types of supplements effectively work the same way.
Fat/Carb Binding:
Simply, you take a fat or carb binding supplement approximately 30 minutes prior to your main meal then when you eat, the supplements ingredients attach themselves to the fatty acids or carbs in the meal, restricting them from being digested, where they then pass on and out through the body.
Of these supplements, Proactol is probably the most capable of fat binder's, binding up to about 27% of your fat intake per meal.
For carbohydrate binders, there are very few of these on the market and the simple reason for this is, is that carbs are more important to our health than fats, although healthy fats are still needed.
However, the science of binding digested carbohydrates has not been perfected, and as such supplements are unable to distinguish between unhealthy and healthy carbs, and as binders tend to be more effective than blocking supplements, it's as yet, not advisable to take this type of dietary pill.
Fat/Carb Blockers
Fat and carb blockers work by restricting certain enzymes from breaking down these unhealthy foods, blocking up to a certain percentage of absorption of fat or carbohydrate into the blood stream.
Phen375 and Adiphene appear to be most popular in the West for blocking fats, where as Adiphene is also one of the few that blocks carbs, although to a lesser extent than unhealthy fats consumed, but it is still argued to be effective at its task.
Bottom line:
Work out what kind of foods you're over indulging in that are adding to the calories, then decide for yourself whether you'd like to assist your diet with a supplement that blocks or binds unhealthy fats or carbs, to speed up your diet plan effectively.
For what are considered some of the best fat and carb blocking and binding supplements of 2013:
Visit 7 Weightloss Supplements to Blast Off Fat!

3 Home Exercises for Losing Weight Fast!

Losing weight fast is not particularly easy especially when it's solely down to you alone, but there's no reason why you can't muster up that will power and perform one, if not all of the following home exercises to help you shed those fat stores faster than just your diet and/or supplement are helping.
1. Walking
OK, walking might not sound like a particularly strenuous exercise that'll burn off those calories quick, but don't underestimate how a daily brisk walk accompanied with the right diet can work its wonders.
Ideally you should try and find time for a morning and evenings fast walk, completing about 2 hours walking a day.
Make sure to weigh yourself from the very beginning of any exercise diet program as just watching that gradual decline in weight can do wonders for the human spirit.
2. Aerobics
Aerobics is a great home exercise as you can get more inspired by a DVD or a TV workout show, doing a good hours aerobics in the comfort of your own living room or bedroom.
Yoga is an aerobic sport and is also fantastic at increasing flexibility, strengthening your joints and losing weight.
Be sure to stick to your diet plan, and you will reap your rewards.
If however you notice after a while that your decline in weight is slowing down, this is not a bad thing.
One it means you are toning up and two, by building up a more toned firmer body, this makes putting on weight that much harder.
3. Dancing
Don't be afraid to dance with your partner or by yourself, where again you can follow a dance routine on the TV.
Here are a couple of dance routines that you can work on at home:
Choreographed moves:
OK so choreographed moves are probably best learnt at a dance school but there's no reason you can't practice at home also.
From jazz to hip hop to ballet, a one hours dance class will not just help you shed at least 300 calories plus, but you'll tighten up all the major muscle groups, and tone those abs without having to arduously workout down the gym.
The Do-It-Yourself Dance:
So this is where you create your own moves.
After you've been to a few classes you'll find yourself developing your own style.
Feel free to run with it by jumping, twisting, turning and rolling to your favorite tunes, where the heart will start pounding and the calories will literally drip off you.
Additionally, consider using some of the latest weight loss supplements to really help you lose weight faster Visit: Best Weightloss Supplements to view the Top 7 Weight Loss Pills for 2013.