Wednesday, May 8, 2013

5 Ways to Bust Through a Weight Loss Plateau

A lot of times during weight loss people will get stuck at a plateau. They say they are doing everything the same, but they can't get those last 10-20lbs they need to reach their goal. The problem may in fact be that you are doing everything the same! Sometimes your body just gets in a routine and workouts become too easy. Sometimes you get caught in a rut where you THINK you are doing everything right, but in fact you are eating a couple extra hundred calories a day that your body doesn't need. Here are 5 ways to bust through a weight loss plateau.
1. Change your routine! If you've been doing the same routine over and over again for weeks, you need to change it up! Instead of doing the elliptical for cardio, do intervals on the treadmill. Add in some weights. Lift heavier! Do SOMETHING different to keep your body guessing! Once your body gets used to a routine, your body will stop changing. You need to constantly mix things up!
2. Look at your diet. Are you following the same plan as you were before? You might need to take a look at your calories and adjust them to fit your new and changing body. Sometimes you even need to ADD calories to start to see some changes again. Try tweaking 100-200 calories in either direction and see if that makes a difference.
3. If you're not doing it already, track every calorie you eat during the day. You could be stuck because of that handful of nuts here, or those extra few bites off of your kids plate there... those little thing DO add up! Use a mobile app or a website like or to help you.
4. Wear a pedometer or a fancy body bug or fitbit. Seeing how much you move throughout the day is a great motivator to get off your butt and get going! The more you move your body = the more calories you burn throughout the day = weight loss.
5. Try a short calorie cycle. My absolute FAVORITE way to bust through a plateau is with the 3 Day Shakeology Cleanse. It's short and it's not a starvation cleanse. It will get you results fast and you'll be motivated to keep going with your healthy lifestyle. I lost 8lbs doing the cleanse, and my tummy shrunk!
Rachel Ngom is a Lifestyle, Nutrition, Fitness Coach and Entrepreneur who utilizes her background in collegiate sports and nutrition to help her clients achieve success! It is her passion to help you know what it feels like to THRIVE from the inside out and to live the life of your dreams! Get started today with her FREE Flat Belly in 7 Days Eating Plan at

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